JavaScript Templates

Templates are client-side view files used to generate HTML strings for use within modules.

Template files end in the extensions .jst.ejs. Each file is processed on the server by the ruby-ejs gem and delivered to the browser as a function. The following is a simple template that expects name and value to be passed in.

<input type="hidden" name="<%= name %>" value="<%= value %>">

Each template function is available via the global JST object in the browser. Each property of JST corresponds to the path of a template file. To render the HTML string, execute the template function, passing in an object of data to be used by the template.

JST['workarea/storefront/templates/hidden_input']({name: 'Foo', value: 'Bar'})

Which returns:

<input type="hidden" name="Foo" value="Bar">

Using Rails Helpers in JST Templates

It's possible to access Rails Helpers in your templates as well. A good example of this is the inline_svg helper, which processes an SVG and outputs its contents into the page, rather than rendering it as an image.

To access rails helpers in your template, add a .ruby extension to the end of your .jst.ejs chain.

The Workarea platform uses the inline_svg Rails helper for the Admin's WYSIWYG editor's toolbar icons, loaded in wysiwyg_toolbar.jst.ejs.ruby:



  <a class='wysiwyg__toolbar-button' data-wysihtml-command='bold'>
    #{ inline_svg('workarea/admin/icons/wysiwyg/bold.svg', class: 'wysiwyg__toolbar-button-icon svg-icon', title: I18n.t('workarea.admin.js.wysiwyg.bold')) }
created_at: 2018/07/31



The %Q command in the first line wraps the entire template, making sure that the output is stringified. Next, because of the way the Asset Pipeline works, all Ruby code is evaluated. This means that the string interpolation will be picked up next, outputting the result of inline_svg as a string.

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