Workarea 3.5.23

Patch release notes for Workarea 3.5.23.

Shorten index name

Mongo will raise when index names exceed a certain length. For example, having a long Workarea.config.site_name could cause this.

Pull Requests

Fix missing jump to positions breaking jump to

Ruby raises when nil is compared, so default these values.

Pull Requests

Fix missing instance variable in cart items view

The @cart instance variable was only being conditionally defined if current_order.add_item succeeded. This caused an error if #add_item happens to fail when calling POST /cart/items from the storefront, resulting in a 500 error. To prevent this error, the definition of this variable has been moved above the condition.

Pull Requests

Prevent error on missing custom template view model class

Typically, custom product templates use their own subclass of Workarea::Storefront::ProductViewModel, but this isn't supposed to be necessary if there's no custom logic that needs to be in the view model layer. However, when developers tried to add a custom template without the view model, they received an error. To prevent this, Workarea will now catch the NameError thrown by Storefront::ProductViewModel.wrap in the event of a custom product template not having a view model defined.

Pull Requests

Fix Elasticsearch indexes when changing locales in tests

This ensures the proper search indexes are in place when you switch locales for an integration test.

Pull Requests

Add warning to inform developers why redirects aren't working locally

This has confused developers a couple of times, so hopefully adding a warning will help.

Pull Requests

Add warning to inform developers why redirects aren't working locally

This has confused developers a couple of times, so hopefully adding a warning will help.

Bump jquery-rails to patch XSS vulnerabilities

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