Workarea 3.3.9

Patch release notes for Workarea 3.3.9.

Configure WebConsole In Docker Generator For Development

The workarea:docker generator attempts to configure WebConsole for use in Docker, by whitelisting certain IPs, but this gem is not loaded (out of the box) in testing or production, resulting in immediate failures. Workarea will now only apply the WebConsole configuration in the development environment, since that is the only place that WebConsole should be running.


Pull Requests


Correct Unit Price When Some Discounts Are Applied

The BuySomeGetSome discount type can cause issues with calculating unit price at the price adjustment level. To alleviate these issues, unit price for an item is calculated as the sum of all price adjustments divided by the item's quantity, instead of each price adjustment calculating its own unit price and adding them up. This allows the calculation of other discount values to be accurate if BuySomeGetSome discounts the amount of an entire unit.


Pull Requests


Sort Product Images By Position In Option Set Templates

The option_selects and option_thumbnails product templates will now respect the :position field of each product image, and sort by that value before filtering out images based on the selected SKU or primary image.


Pull Requests


Fix Search Suggestions With Same Query ID

Searches that have the same QueryString ID will have the same results, and sometimes Workarea suggested searches that boiled down to the same query ID. These searches are now omitted before being rendered to the user as suggestions.


Pull Requests


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