Workarea 3.3.7

Patch release notes for Workarea 3.3.7.

Prevent Creation of Invalid Search Customizations

Block saving of customizations when not valid. Return error message back to the user.


Pull Requests


Load Mailer Previews From Plugins and Applications

New or modified previews were not being automatically included in plugins and host applications, resulting in custom previews not displaying. To resolve this issue, Workarea now loads all mailer previews at the same time.


Pull Requests


Fix Option Selects When There Isn't A Matching Variant

Prevents a 500 error from occurring when the option_selects template is in use and a variant cannot be found for the given selections.


Pull Requests


Specify JSON Format in Product List Content Block Partial

Part of a larger issue with Rails template overrides, previously this could be caused by overriding the workarea/admin/catalog_products/index.html.haml view without overriding its corresponding index.json.jbuilder. The index HTML template now includes a format: :json in the path so that this cannot happen if one forgets to override a JSON template corresponding to their HTML template.


Pull Requests


Collect All Payment Method Choices into ARIA Radiogroup

The ARIA role="radiogroup" is meant to encapsulate all radio buttons that represent a single unit of data, but the "New Credit Card" option was not included in this radiogroup which violates the WCAG spec. Remove the extra <div> containing this role and apply the role to the .checkout-payment__primary-method-group element.


Pull Requests


Fix Overriding SVG Icons in Style Guides

SVG icons could not be overridden in the style guides, instead, the icon would just be appended to the end of the list, leaving the original icon in place. Update the #style_guide_icons helper to ensure only 1 of each filename exists, so icons will appear to override each other in the style guide.


Pull Requests


The facet partial links in the Result Filters UI didn't have the right class name associated with their elements. Workarea now uses a .result-filters__link class name for these elements.


Pull Requests


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