Workarea 3.3.23

Patch release notes for Workarea 3.3.23.

Fix Copy on "New Primary Navigation" Admin Page

Remove an extra ' in the description for the "New Primary Navigation".

Discovered by Kristin Everham. Thanks Kristin!


Pull Requests

Fix Semi-Random, Frequent Logouts in Production

Fixes a bug in deployed environments where the stored client IP (REMOTE_ADDR) was persisting between requests, resulting in incorrect IPs being reported to the application and therefore confusing the client-side session data. This caused semi-random, frequent logouts for admins. It was fixed upstream in the Puma project, so the change in Workarea is just to upgrade Puma

More Information:


Pull Requests

Fix System Tests Not Running in Docker

A version mismatch between the locked-in google-chrome and the chromedriver binary that chromedriver-helper installs. In order to take advantage of these fixes, all previous fragments of your Docker image must be removed from your machine, otherwise Docker may use an out-of-date Chrome version. Use docker system prune -a to make this happen.


Pull Requests

Reset Current Release After an Error Occurs

Similar to a recently discovered bug in Sidekiq callbacks, the current release was not being reset to its previous value. If an error is raised in the block passed to Release.with_current, the current release will never get set back, and this can cause some strange errors in the UI. Set the current release back to its previous value in the ensure clause of the .with_current method.


Pull Requests

Update Label Attributes in Cloned Row

In WORKAREA.cloneableRows, the id of any <input> element that is cloned will be updated to have the suffix of _cloned, in order to differentiate it from the original element. This logic has been carried over to <label> elements so the for and id values match for each cloned row.


Pull Requests

Upgrade i18n.js and Fix Exclusions for Faker Translations

Changes in the i18n-js gem caused the patched exclusions to stop working. To take advantage of the new exclusions API in the gem, the version has been upgraded and the patch replaced with a configuration setting.


Pull Requests

Use Strings for IDs in IndexCategoryChangesTest

The test data in Workarea::IndexCategoryChangesTest used actual Integers instead of IDs for the test data, which is different from a real-world scenario in which Strings would be used. Replace all numbers with Strings in #test_require_index_ids to resolve this issue.


Pull Requests

Recognize eslintrc.json files in workarea-lint

The workarea-lint script used in CI now recognizes a file named eslintrc.json at the root of the directory to configure ESLint. This is the filename used in the platfomr, and should now be supported in projects and plugins, since implementers can (and do) copy the base configuration into their project as a starting point.


Pull Requests

Fix Promo Code List Exporting

Promo code list exports would previously include the top 50 results, and not filter by the list ID. These issues have been fixed by resolving a pagination issue within Workarea::AdminSearchQueryWrapper and updating the export to use the new scroll-like API that mimics Elasticsearch for Mongo-only collections.


Pull Requests

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