Workarea 3.3.1

Close Tooltip Once Choice Made in Release Reminder Form

When one of the choices within the release reminder tooltip gets selected, close the entire tooltip. This is a regression due to a change in behavior within Tooltipster, which we've addressed in previous patches.


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Fix Unexpected Behavior When Impersonating Users

In certain cases, like with the Workarea::MultiSite plugin, impersonating users can cause unexpected behavior because the impersonation status check can run before multisite changes the database. This change moves that status check (called :check_impersonation) above any other manipulation of the session by way of the prepend_before_action method, to prevent issues like this from happening in the future.


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Make Orderdataintegrationtest Less Great Again

This test was originally named Storefront::OrderDataIntegreationTest, and thus caused issues when decorated due to the file name and class name not matching up. We've renamed the class toStorefront::OrderDataIntegrationTest.

While the test is ostensibly much less great due to this change, it does allow implementers to decorate its methods, thus improving its usefulness in our platform.

Discovered by "The Reformed" Francisco Galarza


Pull Requests


Fix Releasesintegrationtests When Time Zone Is Set

With the new release calendar export option added in v3.3, theAdmin::ReleasesIntegrationTest will fail when config.time_zone is configured, resulting in the calendar no longer generating for UTC. To remedy this, we're forcing UTC time zone on all these tests and resetting back to the original time zone after each test runs, ensuring that we are always testing against the same time zone, except in the one unit test that we assert the calendar can operate in multiple timezones.


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Duplicate ID errors were occurring in certain cases on the featured products forms, catalog product workflow, and variant forms. Since Rails will (by default) set IDs on each DOM element we are creating with its tag helpers, we're now passing id: nil so IDs are not generated at all.

Discovered by Kristin Henson in featured category products, with an important assist by Kristen Ward , who reported the issue in product/variant details.


Pull Requests


Use Fully-qualified Url For Homepage Open Graph Image Tag

Content pages were still using the image_path syntax to render URLs tothe logo image. This wasn't working on social media networks, whereinthe URL lookup would result in an error. Changing this to image_url,which incorporates the host, allows pages to be shared on social media.

Discovered by Kristin Henson.


Pull Requests


Prevent Error When Svg File Cannot Be Found

In the base implementation of InlineSvg, it would seem that locally, we assume that an SVG file is present in Sprockets, and if it isn't an error occurs. This NoMethodError is difficult to reason about as a developer, so we're rescuing and treating the response as if we're missing the SVG, leveraging the existing system in place for handling that error.

Discovered by Matt Dunphy.


Pull Requests


Submit New Content Preset Inline Form Asynchronously

The "add content preset" form shows up in a tooltip, and when creating a new content preset within a workflow, the form submission refreshes the page and knocks the user out of the workflow. We've remedied this by making the form submission asynchronous, so the page won't refresh and the workflow won't get broken. Results of the operation are showed in either an error or success flash message.


Pull Requests


Use Absolute Paths For Email Settings

By using relative paths in email settings, we inadvertently broke assets:precompile runs in production because the email templates don't have the same SCSS scope as the rest of the application. We're going back to using absolute paths when @import-ing SCSS files to ensure that variables always get loaded in the right place.


Pull Requests


Lock Down Rufus-scheduler

The Rufus::Scheduler library that Sidekiq::Cron uses for parsing schedule information refactored some of their codebase, and as a result caused a breaking change in the Sidekiq::Cron library. The fix for this has not been released yet, so we've made sure to lock down the rufus-scheduler gem to a slightly lower version in order to avoid this issue.


Pull Requests


Configurable Amount of Default Filter Values

Instead of hard-coding the facet filter size to 10, make this value a configuration setting. Implementers can now set Workarea.config.default_search_facet_result_sizes to configure this value.

Solved by Kristin Henson.


Pull Requests


Remove Currency From Structured Pricing Data

In the workarea/storefront/products/_price partial, we were returning the full currency with the price in the price data point. We're now returning the numerical value of the price without its currency, as it's already denoted above in priceCurrency.

Discovered by Kristin Henson


Pull Requests


Fix Wcag Issues After Axe Accessibility Audit

After performing the WCAG 2.0 accessibility audit with aXe, we fixed a large amount of accessibility issues in the admin and storefront, such as missing aria- attributes and role definitions for the vast array of elements on each page. This change affects both admin and storefront, and should prevent issues on future accessibility scans as a whole.


Pull Requests


Include Changelog in Gem Distribution

The was previously not included in the .gem distribution of Workarea. Now it is, and you can view the file on your local installation:

less $(bundle show workarea)/



Pull Requests


Fix Pattern Validation For New Filter/detail Names

We don't allow the usage of the word "type" in a filter/detail name, and validate this on both the client-side and the server-side. When we removed the jQuery.validate plugin in order to fully rely on browser native input validation, we noticed that some of the regular expressions used for validation were not giving us the expected result. These regexes have been fixed and you can now get past adding details in the product edit, "create product" workflow, and bulk action sequential product editor.


Pull Requests


Prevent Duplicate IDs When Editing Content Blocks

By default, the Rails form helper tags will generate an ID based on the name attribute of the element and the name of the `tag it's surrounded by. Because fieldsets within the same form sometimes share names, we used thedom_id()helper method to generate mostly-unique DOM IDs for each element. As we gradually shifted to a more asynchronous and feature-rich content editor, it was observed that duplicate IDs were appearing on the page for different fieldsets, or sometimes the same fieldset rendered multiple times in a content block. To prevent this, we're now settingid: nilon all tags that previously had adom_id` associated with it. This will ensure that Rails won't generate an ID onthe DOM element, which is not necessary given the way we handle styling and behavior for elements on the page.


Pull Requests


Prevent Order Locking When Updating Shipping Option

When the type of shipping service is changed and the form is submitted too quickly, an error can occur related to order locking, since the requests are coming in simultaneously. Implement a request queue using_.debounce() similarly to how we prevent this issue in workarea-split_shipping , and disable the form for submission untilall requests finish.


Pull Requests


Fix Broken Tests When Activemerchant Gateway Connected to Real Url

In a recent update to ActiveMerchant, a refinement on the Net::HTTP library was made to log additional SSL connection details, in accordance with a future PCI compliance restriction. This had the effect of breaking some tests in a client build, which had some integration tests set up to work with VCR. VCR's usage of Webmock, and the way Webmock ensures Net::HTTP doesn't actually make HTTP requests, caused a NoMethodError in tests. This has been resolved upstream, so once a new version of ActiveMerchant is released, we'll remove this change from the platform and depend on the higher version.

Discovered by Joe Giambrone.


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