Workarea 3.2.41

Patch release notes for Workarea 3.2.41.

Display Relevant Flash Message When No Shipping Options Are Available

Improve the user experience when checkout cannot complete due to the site having no available shipping options for the user's shipping address.


Pull Requests

Disallow Negative Prices in Seed Data

It was formerly possible to generate a Pricing::Price that had a negative value in seeds. The ProductsSeeds#perform method now protects against this.


Pull Requests

Fix Order Status Lookup Route

The /orders/status/:order_id/:postal_code was being resolved by the #show action of OrdersController, when it really should be served by #lookup. Change the route and add a test ensuring that the route is being handled properly.

Discovered by Andy Sides of BVAccel. Thanks Andy!


Pull Requests

Render Shipping Details Append Point On Index

Move the admin.shipping_details append point from shippings#show (which is no longer rendered) over to shippings#index. Remove the shippings#show partial to reduce confusion since it is no longer being used.


Pull Requests

Fix Internal Server Error Page Not Rendering JSON

When an Internal Server Error is requested via /500.json, another error occurs when attempting to render the view for that request, because there's no internal template. This is not how our error handler is supposed to work, any format should be acceptable to render a 404 or 500. The syntax of the respond_to block in #render_error_page has been altered so that Workarea serves the custom content HTML when an HTML error occurs (e.g., most user-facing browser errors), and an empty body with a 500 error in the status code is returned for all other formats.


Pull Requests

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