Workarea 3.2.24

Patch release notes for Workarea 3.2.24.

Remove Unused Class from Inline Form Style Guide

Omit the .value__error CSS class from the inline-form component in the storefront style guide, as this class is not applied to the text-box element depicted in the style guide in the real world.


Pull Requests


Force Dragonfly Attachments to Be Private In S3

When uploading Dragonfly attachments to Amazon S3, ensure the raw file blobs are not accessible in the public domain by setting the HTTP header X-Amz-Acl: private when making storage requests to the S3 API. This header ensures that any files, from this point forward, will not be accessible by any entity. Workarea now ensures that only the application, with the proper access keys, can read the raw attachments uploaded by Dragonfly, providing proper application-level access control as needed.


Pull Requests


Remove Axis Configuration on Sortable Nav Menus in Admin

Sortable navigation menus in the admin had problems on smaller screen devices (or with large amounts of menus) when the pills take up more than one line. Removing the axis: 'x' configuration resolves the issue, and isn't truly necessary in order to get a working sort.


Pull Requests


Remove Admin::TaxonomySystemTest#test_content_blocks

This test causes intermittent issues on CI builds and thus blocks deployment for implementation teams. Remove the test, since it doesn't help anyone to have something that is almost never customized fail for indeterminate reasons.


Pull Requests


Order Regions By Name In Addresses Form

In the <select> tag defining all possible region options for the currently selected country, Workarea previously ordered the <option> tags by their value. They are now being sorted by the display name of the region to prevent issues where they appear out-of-order to the end user.


Pull Requests


Disable Change Admin Password Form in Ajax Requests

When a GET request is made via Ajax, Workarea previously rendered the "Change Password" form for admins who have expired passwords. This caused visual problems when requesting things like product details or navigation menus until the password was changed. If requested via XHR, Workarea now returns a 401 Unauthorized response (instead of displaying the requested content) with no content if the current user's password needs to be reset.


Pull Requests


Search Products By Filter Values In Admin

In previous versions of Workarea, filter values (e.g., for the filter "Color", values would be "Red" and "Blue") could be entered into the admin search and the product(s) that match those hues would be returned. This changed at some point when v3 was released and the search system was refactored.


Pull Requests


Add Append Points For Users Index Table in Admin

Workarea includes two new append points for cleanly adding data to the users index table in the admin. For adding <th> tags that describe additional user fields, there's admin.user_table_columns, which appears at the end of the the initial heading <tr>. For describing the additional user's values, the admin.user_table_values append point is available with a passed in user model for rendering the values.


Pull Requests


By default, Workarea reindexes all products featured in a category in a single request using the BulkIndexProducts worker. However, if this set of featured products grows too large, this worker must store a large amount of data in memory, thus causing issues in production where the job is terminated for over-consumption of memory. To prevent this, Workarea will now enqueue BulkIndexProducts in batches of (by default) 100 if the amount of featured products in a category is over 100. This value is configurable using Workarea.config.category_inline_index_product_max_count.


Pull Requests


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