Workarea 3.2.22

Patch release notes for Workarea 3.2.22.

Prevent URL Change When Not Viewing Singular Details on PDP

When the given variant of a product changes as a result of a productDetailsSkuSelects, the URL will no longer update unless specifically triggered to via the data-product-details-update-url attribute being set on the containing element (.product-details-container). This fixes an issue whereby plugins (like Quickview and Package Products) which render product details outside of the PDP caused a URL update to happen that would make the URL include query parameters which had nothing to do with the page/product the user was browsing.


Pull Requests


Fixes issues logging out on some browsers. While Workarea still supports the GET /logout route, DELETE /logout is the "canonical" means of clearing one's Workarea session.


Pull Requests


Fix Sidekiq Callbacks Not Running In Development Mode

In development mode, Rails code reloading caused a bug in Sidekiq::Callbacks being able to detect when callbacks were being fired by ActiveRecord, which caused them to not get performed at the right times. Make this more consistent and enable caching to prevent a loss in performance. In order to achieve this, Workarea also drops support for the after_find callback in Sidekiq::Callbacks


Pull Requests


Support Redis 4+ in EasyMon

Bump the easymon gem to the newly-released 1.4 to support Redis 4+.


Pull Requests


Ensure New Content Block Drafts Attach To An Area

Pass area_id to BlockDraft when a new content block is created. Allows the area_id to be used to determine the preview layout for newly created blocks


Pull Requests


Fix 12th-Hour Formatting in Admin DateTime Picker

Workarea's dateTimePicker incorrectly converted"12th hour (12:00pm and 12:00am) times in dateTimePickerFields to 24-hour time upon submission. This has now been resolved so releases appear at the correct times.


Pull Requests


Rename "Facets" To "Filters" in Search Settings

In both category-specific and global search settings configuration, use the word "Filters" to describe search filters, which is the way they are describe it everywhere else in the application, rather than the more technically-oriented "Facets".


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