Workarea 3.2.14

Patch release notes for Workarea 3.2.14.

Add Indexes for Uniquely-Validated Fields

There are a number of places, namely Catalog::Category, Content::Email, and Navigation::Taxon, that were missing indexes and thus resulted in a full table scan upon validation of their unique values. In most cases this is inconsequential to page load times, but in larger deployments this scan can pose a problem when attempting to save these items from the admin. Therefore, unique indexes have been added to all fields that are validated for uniqueness out of the box, in order to mitigate this problem on future deployments.


Pull Requests


Handle Missing Geocoder Data For Bogus IP Addresses

In certain environments (like Docker), IP addresses are not guaranteed to be valid, thus a Geocoder response has the potential of returning invalid data for the Geolocation#coordinates method. This method now returns nil if geolocation fails for the IP, and GeoIP headers are not present, so plugins like workarea-store_locations which consume this API will not have to make any changes


Pull Requests


Fix Previewing Future Navigation Menu Changes

Changes to the navigation menu order (and activity) are now visible when previewing a future release. To achieve this, the #navigation_menus helper sorts the collection returned from the database by its #position, which (unlike a bare DB query) is affected by the release changes. Previously this was just running a database query, which would not account for the changes that occur within a release.


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