Workarea 3.1.50

Patch release notes for Workarea 3.1.50.

Remove Support For Restoring Taxons Without Parents

Navigation::Taxon documents whose parents no longer exist cannot be restored because they are too dependent on their external relations, such as :parent_ids. This causes issues on restore when one attempts to restore a child taxon without restoring its parent. To prevent this potential issue, taxons are never allowed to be restored from the trash. The recommended alternative is to just create another taxon.


Pull Requests

Improve Data Cache Busting for Discounts, SKUs, and Navigation

Workarea now calls the BustSkuCache, BustDiscountCache, and BustNavigationCache workers inline around every request in the admin, since admins expect this to be occurring in real-time. This also busts the shipping service cache when a Shipping::Service is removed.


Pull Requests

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