Workarea 3.0.61

Patch release notes for Workarea 3.0.61.

Add Pagination to Shipping Services Admin Index

When an application has more than 100 shipping services in the database, only the first 100 would show on the index. Additionally, such a large query should be paginated. Render the workarea/admin/shared/pagination partial at the bottom of the <table> containing all services and paginate the collection of services that are queried for in the controller.


Pull Requests

Use Translations as a Fallback for Missing Name in Address Region Options

In the countries gem, some subdivisions in a country (what Workarea calls "regions") do not have a :name field associated with them. Instead of using #name, return the value in the #translations hash matching the current locale, falling back to #name if none can be found. This ensures that the subdivisions of a country can be translated in the addresses region select box.


Pull Requests

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