Workarea 3.0.58

Patch release notes for Workarea 3.0.58.

Fix Error When Viewing Release Show Page in Admin

When viewing a Release in admin, an error can occur if a Releasable model becomes nil between the time the release is being viewed and when it was originally created/planned. Workarea now ensures the release can always be viewed in the admin by not rendering any changesets that can't be drawn back to a releasable model currently in the database.


Pull Requests

Disable Slug Input On Unreleased Pages

Set disabled: true on slug inputs when making changes within a release, and add help text to explain why it cannot be edited. Since slugs cannot be changed within a release, having this as a field a user can type into created a confusing experience.


Pull Requests

Add workarea:services:clean for Removing Services Data

This task runs docker-compose down -v, which will remove volumes associated with the application. It's useful when transitioning between v3.3 and v3.4, so the Mongo data doesn't become corrupted, but should only be used if you're OK with your data getting deleted.

Additionally, an environment variable called $COMPOSE_ARGUMENTS has been introduced to provide a means of passing command-line arguments to the docker-compose commands that are run using these tasks. For example:

COMPOSE_ARGUMENTS="--remove-orphans" rails workarea:services:up


Pull Requests

Validate Product Rule Lucene Query Syntax

When invalid Lucene queries are saved into product rules, an error would occur when attempting to browse the category because the query was never checked for valid syntax. As part of the validation process for product rules, run a Search::CategoryBrowse query for the rule being created or edited, and add an error to the model if Elasticsearch responds with a server error (5xx) HTTP status. This prevents the rule from being saved on the product list in the first place.


Pull Requests

Add MongoDB Indexes For Default Scopes Without Corresponding Indexes

Since noTableScan enforces that all queries to MongoDB need to have corresponding indexes, it was previously possible to receive an error when attempting query something seemingly simple, such as User::AdminBookmark.all. Add indexes for any models who have a default_scope, but no corresponding index for the query that scope generates. This may not always be caught by the base test suite, but can affect things like console usage, rake tasks, decorations, etc.


Pull Requests

Disable Permissions Management When User is a Super-Admin

When a user has super-admin privileges in admin, it was previously possible to attempt removing admin access as well as access to areas of the admin, but these values would just get re-set after the form completed anyway. Workarea now sets all checkboxes on the permissions page to disabled, and renders a warning message above the form stating that you cannot change permissions for users who are super-admins. It also instructs the admin how to disable super-admin for a user in order for this page to function normally.


Pull Requests

Fix Issue With Sale Price Creation

When adding/editing prices for a SKU in the admin interface, the messaging underneath the field says Sale Price (defaults to regular), but when left blank the Sale Price will be saved as $0.00. This is due to the use of a numeric field type on the <input> tag. To resolve this, Workarea now converts this value to nil in the controller, so that the price will be added into the backend with an empty value for the :sale field. When the sale field is blank, the pricing system will default to using the regular price in all scenarios.

Solved by Jeremie Ges. Thanks Jeremie!


Pull Requests

Fix Test Failing During Daylight Savings Time

Testing Analytics::User.orders_per during daylight savings time results in the test failing because of the hour difference between the current time and the duration of 7.days.ago in the test. Ensure that this assertion always runs on a date that isn't in DST so the test won't fail on the day DST changes next year.


Pull Requests

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